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How to remove fabric glue? Speed-Sew Guide

Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue is a glue and like most glues is not intended to be removed once applied.  The best way to remove Speed-Sew is with water before it dries.

We’ve heard using perchloroethylene works to remove Speed-Sew. Perchloroethylene is normally obtained through your local dry cleaner. It’s not something you can buy because it is very toxic.

We’ve also heard Speed-Sew can be removed using Canola oil & butter.

A product called Stain Devils Spot Remover can also help remove Speed-Sew apparently. It contains Olefin, Polypropylene, and Polyolefin.

Customer comments:

“The best thing we have found to remove Speed-Sew is Zo-Eze (it is an adhesive remover) and will not leave behind the goooie tacky feeling that other adhesive removers do. (such as goo gone or others you buy at the store). The only place we have found it happens to be from vendors or pet distributors, not at your local stores.”

“Strip Ease is the solvent I prefer for glue removal.”

Speed-Sew only works on porous materials.


Sheer fabrics and knits. Do not dry clean.  Avoid squeezing glue directly onto the fabric. Follow directions for application.


Use a test spot. Squeeze Speed-Sew onto a dish and apply sparingly with a toothpick or your fingertip onto the fabric. Press the two sides of the fabric together and hold firmly until it dries. The glue can be removed with water if the glue is not dry.

How to Use Speed-Sew Fabric Glue (Workwear & Crafts)


For best results, do not apply Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue directly to your fabric. Instead, put some onto any hard surface. Using your fingertip, a toothpick or a Q-tip, or any kind of applicator, dip it into the glue and carefully spread, press and let dry. Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue contains natural latex and may cause an allergic reaction.

NOTE: Always do a test to check for discoloration. Speed-Sew dries to a beige colour, so be sure to apply it with care.

  • Contains natural latex- test for allergies
  • Dries as fast as 10 minutes (heavy material will take longer, up to 30 minutes)
  • Permanent and flexible
  • Machine washable and dry cleanable
  • Best if used at room temperature
  • Will not harm hard surfaces
  • Will not stick to hard surfaces. Glue balls up when rubbed for easy removal
  • It will not harm the skin and comes off easily.


Jeans, coats, tents, carpets, awnings, tarps, belts, upholstery, overalls, furniture and 100’s of other things.  Use for stitchless mending or rips, tears or holes.  Apply patches, sequins and do hems.


Dries fast | Séche vite | Se seca rápido


Instant Fabric & Leather Adhesive
Instant, permanent, fabric glue.

REPRISE OU RÉPARE….Jeans, manteaux, tentes. Tapis, stores, tissus dámeublement, et bien dáutres
DIRECTIONS: NE PAS appliquer directement, Mettre un peu de produit sur une assiette et appliquer une petite quantité avec le doigt ou un cure-dents, puis resser fermenment et laisser sécher. Faire particuliérement attention avec les tissus fins ou tricottés. En cas de doute, faire un essai préalable. DÉCONSEILLÉ pour voilages ou nettoyage á sec. Peut se retirer á léau ´sil est sec. NE PAS LAISSER Á LA PORTÉE DES ENFANTS
REMENDE O REPARE. Pantalones de mezclilla, abrigos, tiendas de campaña, alfombras, toldos, carpas, cinturones, tapices y otras muchas cosas. Usese para reparar hoyos y desgarrones sin coserlos o para aplicar parches, lentejuelas y para hacer bastillas.
INSTRUCCIONES. No se aplique directamente, exprima un poco de pegamento en un plato y aplique una pequeña cantidad en el material con el dedo o con un palillo, presione fuertemente y déjese secar. Tenga cuidado con los tejidos o las telas delgadas. En caso de tener duda pruébelo primero.
Su uso no se recomienda con las telas finas ni de tintorería. Se puede remover con agua si el material está húmedo o con percloriteno si está seco. MANTENGASE FUERA DEL ALCANCE DE LOS NIÑOS.

When mending a hole, a patch works well. Cut a piece of fabric larger than the hole, lay it on the underside of your garment and trace it around the outer edge. Apply Speed-Sew to the inside of that area as well as the back of the patch. Place the patch over the hole and press firmly. Let dry. (Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue is made from all-natural materials and will not stick to any hard surface to remove. Simply rub with your finger until the glue balls up. Do not wipe up with a cloth as Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue will permanently stick to the fabric)

Permanent repairs that will not wash out can be easily made without a needle and thread. Just follow the General Directions shown above to get the user-friendly repair. In most cases, patches are bonded to the underside of the fabric to disguise the repair. A thin or light layer of Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue on the patch helps to avoid bleed-through and still leaves fabric flexible with a long-lasting repair.


Before a button falls off, place a small amount of Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue (using your finger or an applicator such as a toothpick) on the loose threads to bind them together. Be sure to first adjust the thread to the length you want.

For snags: push the loose snag to the inside of the garment. Place a small amount of Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue (using your finger or an applicator such as a toothpick) onto the loose snag and, twist it, lay it down to secure it to the garment.

To stop the fraying of the end of a shoelace, roll the frayed end between your fingers. Apply Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue to the frayed area while continuing to roll. As the glue dries, the frayed lace will firm up and be ready to slide through an eyelet.


Surface Damage and “V” shaped Snags- Leather jackets, purses, and shoes can have V-snags, and this is where a small part of the finished surface has been pulled away from the leather. Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue can bond that surface back to the leather by applying the glue between the layers, pressing and wiping off excess glue with your finger. Continue to press until the layers are bonded together. The bond will be fully cured in 12 hours. Speed-Sew Premium Fabric Glue will stay pliable in outside temperatures.

Speed-Sew dries very fast depending on the application.  The thicker the application of Speed-Sew the longer it takes to dry.  If you rub a little bit on your fingers Speed-Sew will dry in less then a minute.
I would say the maximum amount of time for Speed-Sew to dry would be 1 hour for a thick application.  The majority of uses Speed-Sew should dry in less than 20 minutes.

Speed Sew should survive the freeze-thaw cycle.  If cold enough it will freeze.

Puppy Ears http://www.echowyn.com/Ears.html

Boy, it is so much easier to show someone than try and explain, but let me see… first, it depends on if the sheltie is a puppy, young adult, or older adult.

With puppies, around the age of 8wks, we start bracing ears on top of the head to help with a good ear set.  we pull the two ears together and place a small dab of speed sew on the fur between the two ears this brings the ears to the top of the head and will help hold or create a good ear set. As the puppies continue to grow the ears do all kinds of funny things especially while teething. Some will tip low, and look like hound ears, others will just stay pricked and not tip at all. For those that do not tip, several breeders will do these several different ways.  I use either the ear tape or moleskin in the ear (you must make sure the ear is cleaned with alcohol first) one either little piece of this is attached to the inside of the ear, I use a small amount of speed sew on the tip to bend over and glue to the tape or moleskin.  In several cases, this must continue to be done during the teething process (otherwise who knows what the ears will look like).  Others, just us a small amount of speed sew and attach it to the fur towards the bottom of the ear. The best thing we have found to remove any of the tapes or speed sew is Zo-Eze (it is an adhesive remover) and will not leave behind the goooie tacky feeling that other adhesive removers do. (such as goo gone or others you buy at the store).  The only place we have found it happens to be from vendors or pet distributors, not at your local stores.